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Shemale & TS Escorts in Edmonton, Alberta

TS Escort Of The Day

Located In Downtown Peterborough, ONTARIO! OUT & Car Dates Only! I can not host. 10000%%REAL!!!!10000%%INDIPENDANT CrossDresser! 🚨🚨⚠Hi There Handsome New Friend👦👦🏼👦🏽👦🏾..... ARE you into gulity pleasures🤐😮😌like treating yourself to sinking 👅💦your teeth in to a sweet 🍭🍬delectable Secret. Well let me be the first to quench your thirst n say I'm full of surprises 🌈😋💥n fun💗💓💕...... 👠im 5'9 & 165 lbs with nice clear complexion and sweet juicy lips💋👄I have 7.5" 🍆I'm Discrete & Available 24/7! Located In Peterborough. **I WILL ARRIVE AT YOUR PLACE, OR YOUR CAR DRESSED IN GUYS CLOTHING AND I’ll TAKE IT OFF WOTH YOU! For *discretion* No Makup & Shorter Hair! CALL OR TXT NOW!!! SERIOUS ONLY! +1 705-315-8279 {OUT|Car Dates}
24 Y/O
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Edmonton, Alberta TS Escorts, Shemale & Trans escorts